Practices to Avoid Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

The typical summer day is usually filled with fun experiences and happenings, from motorcycle rides to family reunions to fireworks to sporting events. And while the majority of these activities are safe, many can present invisible risks to your hearing health. Over time, the loud noises that accompany some of these activities can cause irreversible […]

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Even With Hearing Loss, You Can Still Enjoy Summer Social Events

Summer is synonymous with sunshine, relaxation, and plenty of social experiences. However, for those who have hearing loss, navigating these seasonal gatherings can sometimes present distinct challenges. Fear not, as with a little planning and consideration, you can ensure that your summer experiences are still enjoyable. Worthwhile tips to make the most of summer Here […]

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Hearing Loss and Hypertension

Hearing Loss and Hypertension

Did you realize that high blood pressure can also increase your chance of developing age-related hearing loss? From about 40 years old and up, you might begin to detect that your hearing is starting to go. Your symptoms could advance slowly and be largely invisible, but this kind of hearing loss is irreversible. Years of […]

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Is Your Forgetfulness The Result of Hearing Loss?

Your overall life can be affected by age-related hearing loss. Not only is your ability to hear affected, but so too are your social life, your professional networks, and even your mental abilities. The way your brain functions, including your memory and mood, can be significantly affected by hearing loss. Sometimes, the relationship between hearing […]

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It’s a Mistake to Hold Off Hearing Loss Treatment – Here’s Why

Amidst hectic schedules and the distractions of events, it’s all too simple to put off important appointments, like those with a hearing specialist or for a hearing aid fitting. You may even find yourself hesitating to get hearing aids altogether. But hearing loss impacts more than only your ears and holding off on treatment can […]

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Safeguarding Your Sense of Hearing: 4 Practices to Protect Your Ears

Our ears are often what carry the load of accidental harm from neglect in our busy day-to-day lives. There are some common but dangerous practices, including using cotton swabs and ear candling, that will put your hearing health in peril. Below, we explore four essential ways to safeguard your sense of hearing and keep your […]

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What Causes Earwax Buildup?

What Causes Earwax Buildup?

You probably don’t give much thought to earwax buildup unless you’re in the process of clearing it out. Nonetheless, understanding what causes earwax, how it forms, and its purpose is crucial. So why does earwax accumulate? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is composed of a mix of sweat, skin particles, hair, debris, and ceruminous gland […]

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Love and Hearing Loss: Communication Strategies for Couples

Hearing loss can affect many aspects of your day-to-day life. Untreated hearing loss, for example, can affect your professional life, your favorite pastimes, and even your relationships. For couples who are struggling with hearing loss, communication can become strained. This can cause increased tension, more quarrels, and even the growth of animosity. In other words, […]

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Still Struggling to Hear Even With “Normal” Hearing

Your workplace has decided to encourage teamwork and collaboration by opening up the office floor plan. But this new setup has become a struggle for you. It’s because the increased noise is making it challenging to follow along with conversation and not because you miss the privacy of cubical walls. Even if standard hearing tests […]

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Prevalent Medications That Cause Hearing Loss

When you begin on a course of medication, it’s normal to want to be educated about any possible side effects. Can it cause digestive problems? Will it cause dehydration? Cause sleeplessness? There might also be a more serious possible side effect that you may not be aware of – hearing loss. Many different drugs are […]

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Yucha Hearing Aids

Pottstown, PA

435 W Cedarville Rd.Pottstown, PA 19465

Call or Text: 610-850-9380

Monday, 9am – 4pm
Tuesday, 10am – 6pm
Wednesday, 9am – 4pm
Thursday, 10am – 6pm
Friday, 9am – 4pm

Pottstown, PA Google Business Profile

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